Corner of weather
Welcome to my corner of what i enjoy, i will likely rarely post. but if you're here, then say hello to me in my discord.
heres my discord, just... yeah.
discord rules are listed here.
- we do not tolerate trolls, those who troll will be asked to stop, and if such is ignored, will be kicked or banned.
- keep things in respective channels. we will tolerate the occasional slip-up, but if repeated will result in a mute.
- under no circumstance will NSFW be tolerated. anyone who is confirmed to have posted such will be banned. Reports must also have evidence, usually in the form of screenshots or video evidence.
- Discord TOS, duh. if you are underaged, you will be unable to talk until you are confirmed to be of age, however this cant be stretched further than people under eleven.
- veterans be NICE. you may teach, but not instruct. don't treat your knowledge as if it is cure for cancer.
- all genders, orientations and ethnicities (and all else that i missed) are accepted. we are one, not enemies.
- please keep all brainrot series or videos away. just because the internet is collapsing as we know it, dont let this server die too.
- avoid swearing when possible. i will accept "this [insert food name] is [desired vulgar word] amazing!", and others of similarity.
- under no circumstance will any type of [X] philia be accepted. either dont be such, or keep your deepest secrets far away where nobody cares.
- any suspected or confirmed compromised users will be banned without question.
- heres a scug
What the NWS thinks is boutta happen